Monday, March 12, 2012

If This Was My Last Blog Post

At some point of our lives, we all have to die. It’s a part of life. We can not avoid it, nor prevent it. There’s no escaping the truth. What if you have been given a chance to speak before you vanish in the surface of the earth? What would you say?

If this was my last blog post or my last day that I will live, I want to say thank you…

First of all, I want to thank God for giving me an opportunity to live my life to the fullest in these past years, even though I’m still 14 years old. I want to thank Him for giving me a good life filled with family and friends. I also want to thank Him because He sent His own Son to save us from sin.

Thank you, Mom and Dad. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for accepting me just the way I am. Thank you for not getting angry at me and being understanding. Thank you for giving me a life, a simple life. One filled with happiness and love. Thank you for all the hard work and patience that you gave us. Thank you for sacrificing your time and happiness just for our own.

Thank you, my brothers. Even though you made fun of me, I just wanted to tell you that I love you both. Thank you for all the laughter we shared as siblings. Thank you for accepting me. Thank you or spending your time to play with me when I was a little girl. Simply, thank you for treating me as a good sister.

Thank you, my friends. Thank you or spending your free time with me. Thank you for listening to my problems. Thank you for helping me in my time of need. Thank you for accepting me despite my imperfect personality. Thank you for just being there for me. Thank you for sharing laughter and time with me. Thank you for supporting me in my choices that i made. I just wanted all of you to know that I am lucky to have you as my friends and I’m incomplete without you.

And if this was my last blog post, I also want to say sorry…

I’m sorry, Almighty Father. Forgive me for I have done wrong. I’m sorry for all the sins that I’ve committed. I’m not a perfect person. There are many things I wish I didn’t do but I will continue learning from what wrong I had done. I’m sorry that sometimes, I wish to die. I wished that I want to be vanish from earth but you made me think of the pros and cons so I want to thank you for that.

I’m sorry, Mom and Dad. I’m sorry that I have been a bad girl sometimes. I’m sorry that I talk back. I’m sorry if I disobey what you said to me. I’m sorry if I didn’t listen to what you’re saying. I’m sorry if I shouted at you. I’m sorry if you had sickness or headaches because of me. I’ll try not to do that again. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry…

I’m sorry, my brothers. I’m sorry for being a hot headed sister towards you two. I’m sorry, Kuya, for not listening to what you said. I’m sorry if I hurt you. I’m sorry if I hadn’t been a good sister figure for you, especially you, BG. I’m really sorry.

I’m sorry to you too, my friends. I’m sorry for not always listening to your problems. I’m sorry for lying to you. I’m sorry if I talk shit to you. I’m sorry if I am being a bad friend to you. I’m sorry for hurting your feelings. I’m sorry for the harsh words I spat on your faces. I’m sorry that I’m being bossy. I’m sorry if I shouted at you, hitting you, and slapping you. I’m sure you get the point. Friends, if you’re reading this right now, I know you have a smile on your face and I’m happy about that. At least, I made you happy when I am about to die.

Before I end this post, I just want to say that, I'm not perfect, I never tried to be. I've made mistakes. I've taken the easy way out. I've lied to my friends. I've hidden the truth so many times from so many people. I've hurt people, and I've even done it on purpose. I've left people behind. I've said things that I didn't mean. I'm no better than anyone, anywhere. I'm human. I have faults, and I'm not afraid to admit that. I want to change, but I won't. It’s because that's what we do. That's what we've always done. We list our faults like a grocery list, and we move on, expecting everything to somehow change itself. It never will. I will never change. I will never be perfect. I will always make mistakes. I'll, more often than not, take the easy way out. I will lie, hide the truth, hurt people, leave people behind, and say things I don't mean for the rest of my life. If that’s who I am, then so be it. You just have to accept me just the way I am.

And that ends this blog post…

10 Reasons Why the World Will Not End in 2012

I know all of you have of THE END OF THE WORLD, right? Well, at first, I really thought the Mayan Calendar is right. The world will end on December 21 2012. Why?  It’s because of their proof. I saw them and it’s really convincing. Until a while ago, I was surfing the net and found this article:

10 Reasons Why the World Will Not End on 2012

10. Changes in the Sun's magnetic field will lead to powerful flares.
So what else is new under the sun? The sun goes though a well-documented 11-year sunspot cycle that is driven by its magnetic field entangling, reforming and flipping polarity. Yes, the peak of the next cycle is in 2012 (or 2013), and some predictions suggest it might be 30 to 50 percent stronger than the last peak.
But experts say it will certainly not be the biggest peak ever recorded.

The bottom line is that no dragon's breath of flame will stretch across 100 million miles of space and blowtorch Earth. The largest solar flare recorded to date, on Nov. 4, 2003, spewed several billions of tons of plasma in Earth's direction. The flare's X-ray radiation that impacted our protective atmosphere had the equivalent radiation of 5,000 suns.
We're still here.

9. The Earth's magnetic field will reverse.
Don't hold your breath. The last field reversal happened nearly 800,000 years ago. Fred Flintstone and our other ancestor cavemen survived. Geological evidence shows that the field has reversed its orientation tens of thousands of times over Earth history. Yet there is no definitive evidence that a magnetic field reversal has ever caused any mass extinction due to increased cosmic ray influx.

8. The Earth's rotation axis will tip.
This isn't nearly as easy as tipping cows. Unlike Mars, which does go though wide excursions in it axial tilt, Earth's tilt is kept steady by the gravitational influence of the moon. An object the size of Mars would have to hit Earth to transfer enough momentum to knock us out of kilter. But Mars-sized protoplanets were kicked into interstellar space over 4 billion years ago. The solar system doesn't make "planets-gone-wild" anymore.

7. A grand alignment of Jupiter and Saturn will gravitationally perturb Earth.
For the past several decades there have been doomsday claims that the combined gravity from grand planetary alignments will cause geologic and meteorological upheavals on Earth.

None are scheduled for 2012.

In 1962 an extremely rare grand conjunction of the classical naked-eye planets drove astrologers crazy. The conjunction happened on Feb. 4-5 and was accompanied by a solar eclipse! The most infamous grand conjunction was in 1982 and popularized in a book called "The Jupiter Effect," which predicted earthquakes and massive tides. Life went on as usual both years. The moon has a vastly greater gravitational influence on Earth than Jupiter. It's called location, location, location! At a whopping distance of 400 million miles from Earth, Jupiter's tug is pretty wimpy.

6. The Sun will align with the galactic equator on the winter solstice.
So what? These are simply coordinates in the sky. It has no physical reality any more than the intersection of Broadway and 7th Avenue at Times Square influences the geology of Manhattan Island. This is greatly confused with the fact that the sun's position actually oscillates up and down as it orbits the galaxy, like a horse on a carousel.

We pass through the galactic plane every 35 to 40 million years. It's possible that an increased number of comets might be hurled towards the Earth because of gravitational interaction with the densest parts of our galaxy during this passage. But we are talking about the consequences spanning many thousands of years, not crashing down on our heads in any one specific year.

5. The black hole in the galactic center will affect us.
The Milky Way's black hole has no influence on the galactic disk. The black hole is three million solar masses. The Milky Way is several trillion solar masses when we add the tug of dark matter. Any gravitational influence of the black hole over the galaxy would be like the tail wagging the dog. The Milky Way's collision with the Andromeda galaxy will dump gas into the black hole and it will blaze as a quasar. But that's several billion years away.

4. An asteroid will smash into Earth.
A threatening near-Earth asteroid that's gotten the most press is the 900-foot wide Apophis. But its chances of collision have been downgraded to 1 in 250,000 at its next close approach in 2029. In theory, an uncharted asteroid or comet could come out of the blue tomorrow. But if we don't know about it today, the Mayans certainly didn't know about it 1,200 years ago. Earth-killer impacts are tens of millions of years apart. So there's no reason to be a doomsday clock-watcher.

3. The rogue planet Nibiru will swing by Earth.
There isn't such a planet any more than the planet Naboo from the Star Wars trilogy is real. Purported Internet pictures of the interloper are photographic lens flares or hoaxes. Don't believe every dot you see photographed in the sky.

2. Supernovae or hypernovae will irradiate Earth.
There are no stars that are so close to Earth that radiation from their supernova demise would seriously affect us. The nearest candidate, the red giant Betelgeuse, is predicted to explode in the next 1,000 years. The monster star Eta Carinae is also on a short fuse. Neither doomed star has a spin axis precisely aimed at Earth, so we don't have to worry about being fried by a narrow beam of gamma rays ejected from the core's implosion. In fact the kinds of stars that shoot out these Death Star beams are uncommon in the Milky Way. Earth has a one percent chance of getting zapped over 10 billion years. Scratch gamma ray bursts off of your homeowner's insurance policy.

1. A cloud of negative energy engulfs the solar system.
Wow! A dark cloud with a bad attitude! This sounds suspiciously like a Star Trek episode. Dark energy is all around us already, but it is not packaged into clouds. The same goes for dark matter.

Well, in this case, I am sure that all of the things said in Mayan calendar are wrong and here’s the proof. They have a good point. With this article, I therefore conclude that THE WORLD WILL NOT END IN 2012!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

My Firsts

My first T.V. show I have ever watched is Dora the Explorer and I’M NOT PROUD OF IT.  I mean, come on! I’m still a child then. I have no brain yet! Sigh, at least through that show, I knew to how to answer questions…

            My first time I talked to a stranger is when I was in Nursery. I was scared back then. I don’t know how to communicate to other people other than my family. Then, a girl my age came up to me and introduced herself. I was flabbergasted. I was jealous because she was brave enough to come up to me even though we are still little girls. I hesitantly gave my name, afraid that she might laugh. She didn’t. I smiled. That’s how I gained my very first friend in school. Her name is Merirussel Lazaro.

            My first time that I want to be brave is when my brother told me that he wanted to ride a cable car. We were in Tagaytay Highlands then.  I asked him if he’s sure, and he just nodded. I took a deep breath and thought, ‘If I said no, he will cry and scream till my ears bleed.’ So I told my father that we will just ride a cable car. I don’t think he heard us but I saw him nod a little. I’m not sure if he’s sure that he will allow us. I looked again to my brother and sighed. I led him to the cable car and rid it by ourselves, just the two of us. Personally, I’m not really sure that we will come out fine. I mean, come on! I’m just seven when this happen. I swallowed my fear and tried to smile for my brother. In the end, I enjoyed the ride and thanked God for giving me the courage to overcome my fear.
            My first time to ride an airplane is when we had a family reunion with my cousins in Cebu and Bohol. I was ready to pee in my pants but it took nearly all my willpower not to. I was riding beside my elder brother. Thank God he’s there! Or else I’ll cry buckets. It’s a very good experience because I rid an airplane.

My first time to join a contest with no one there for me is when I represent my school in Poster making contest. At first, I was twitching because I’m nervous. I’m nervous because I might not make it in the top 3. But when the actual contest came, my nervousness slipped. I was carefree. I didn’t care if I’ll win or not. I just did my best and look at what happened. I won! And it’s my first time to!

            Through these first times, I’ve learned that I must try something new to make my life colorful and adventurous. I must not hesitate to do new things because they might change my destiny…

A Mother and Daughter Bond

A daughter’s a mother’s treasure. I’ve always wonder, if I’m not a girl, what would my mother’s reaction be? Would she be sad or happy? Then, I decided to ask her face to face. She just said to me that no matter what my gender is, she will always love me because I am what God gave to her. Aww… she’s so sweet! Anyway, she also told me that even though she said that, it will be better if I am really a girl. I was so happy to know that I am appreciated. Well, it’s because if I’m not a girl, she will not have any girl time with anyone in the family because my two siblings are boys. She told me that she’s very fortunate that I am a girl because when I grow up, I would be the one who will help her. That’s when my hopes went down… just kidding! :)

Since my father went to Thailand for work, my mother and I became closer to each other. Although we are close, we became closer. I admit that I’m a daddy’s girl well, what do you expect? I’m an only daughter… Anyways, before, she usually invites me to come with her to shop. But now, I invite her to shop instead.
Now, we have a habit saying “I love you” every other hour. Well, for me that is. She just answers back to my call. It’s our habit that we didn’t do back when I’m still a little girl. I love my mother very much. I thank God many times for giving her to me.


Naruto has been introduced to me by my elder brother when I was a little girl. He was fondling with the remote when he stumbled on a channel that has this anime on the screen. Ever since then, I started to love Naruto but unlike Gakuen Alice, I didn’t follow it like an obsessed fan. I read and watch it sometimes but it was rarely. Anyways, I found it interesting and fun to watch even though it’s for boys. Well, there are no rules, right?

Twelve years before the start of the series, a powerful creature known as the Nine-tailed Demon Fox attacked the ninja village Konohagakure, killing many people. In response, the leader of Konohagakure's ninja military – the Fourth Hokage – sacrificed his life to seal the demon inside the newborn Naruto Uzumaki. Konohagakure, however, regarded Naruto as if he were the demon fox itself and mistreated him throughout most of his childhood. A decree made by the current Kage, the Third Hokage, forbade anyone mention the attack of the demon fox to anyone else. This included Naruto, who was not aware of the demon inside of him. Years later, Naruto is tricked by the renegade ninja Mizuki into stealing a forbidden scroll that would teach him a secret ninja technique, but he is stopped by his teacher, Iruka Umino. When Iruka almost dies while protecting Naruto from Mizuki, who also reveals that he is the container of the Nine-Tailed Fox, Naruto uses the Jutsu he learned from the scroll that creates multiple clones of himself, Shadow Clone Technique, to defeat Mizuki.

Naruto is assigned alongside, Sasuke Uchiha, who he competes against often, and Sakura Haruno, by Iruka after his class graduate from the Ninja Academy to form a three-person team named Team 7 under an experienced and severe sensei named Kakashi Hatake. Like all the ninja teams from every village, Team 7 is charged with completing missions requested by villagers, such as doing chores or being bodyguards. After several missions, Kakashi allows Team 7 to participate into a ninja exam in which they can advance to a higher rank, and thus, take part in more difficult missions. During the exams, Orochimaru, a criminal at the top of Konohagakure's most wanted list, attacks Konoha and kills the Third Hokage in an act of revenge. This forces one of the three legendary ninja, Jiraiya to search for his former teammate Tsunade, who has been nominated to become the Fifth Hokage. During the search, it is revealed that Orochimaru desires to acquire Sasuke due to his powerful genetic heritage. Believing Orochimaru will be able to give him the strength needed to kill his brother Itachi, who destroyed his clan, Sasuke joins him. Tsunade sends a group of ninja including Naruto to make Sasuke return to Konoha, but Naruto is unable to defeat him and bring him back to the village. Naruto does not give up on Sasuke, however, and he leaves Konoha to train for two-and-a-half years under Jiraiya's tutelage in order to prepare himself for the next time he encounters Sasuke.

After the training period, a criminal organization called Akatsuki attempts to capture the nine powerful tailed beasts that are sealed within people - including the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox sealed inside of Naruto. Several ninjas from Konohagakure, including Team 7, fight against the Akatsuki members and search for their teammate Sasuke. Although they manage to save Gaara, the host of the One-Tailed beast, Akatsuki is successful in capturing seven of the creatures. In the meantime, Sasuke betrays Orochimaru and faces Itachi to take revenge. After Itachi dies in battle, Sasuke is told by the Akatsuki founder Madara Uchiha that Itachi was ordered by Konohagakure's leadership to destroy his clan. Saddened with this revelation, Sasuke joins forces with Akatsuki to kill Konohagakure's superior who ordered the Uchihas' elimination.

Meanwhile, as several Akatsuki members are defeated by the Konohagakure ninjas, their leader, Pain, invades the village to capture Naruto. However, Naruto defeats him and convinces him to abandon the village. With Pain's eventual death, Madara announces that he wants to obtain all nine of the tailed beasts in order to perform an illusion powerful enough to control all of humanity. All the leaders of the five ninja villages refuse to aid him, and instead, join forces to confront him and his allies. This results into a fourth ninja world war between the unified armies of the Five Great Countries collectively known as the "Ninja Alliance Army" and Akatsuki's forces.

This is probably the longest manga yet. It is also the most popular manga series in Japan and probably in the Philippines. Anyways, I find it interesting because of their ninja skills. All of them had a unique skill and that’s what made them interesting. J

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Gakuen Alice

This is probably my first ever manga that I have read and have followed through ever since my friend in particular (Edjune) has introduced me to it. My other classmate (Eloisa) has joined me in becoming a fan of this amazing manga. Prince of tennis is just my all time favorite anime, but this is a manga. But first, what is a manga? Manga is the Japanese word for "comics/cartoons" and consists of comics and print cartoons. The difference between a manga and an anime is that, in anime, it uses animation while in manga, it just use print cartoons. Get it?

            Anyway, Gakuen Alice is all about… well, magic! Mikan Sakura is an orphan who lives in the country side of Japan. When her best friend, Hotaru, transfers away to a prestigious school in Tokyo, Mikan follows her. The school is actually an elite academy for the gifted people with “alices”. When Mikan arrives to the gates of the school, she encounters a teacher and gets enrolled due to a series of events. She is told that she has a unique, rare “alice”. There, she immediately meets Natsume, a moody boy who constantly gets abused by the school. They get along like fire and water, yet they are undeniably attracted to one another. She also gets the chance to meet other people; like Natsume’s caring best friend Ruka, or Iinchou, the class rep. Despite her initial view of the so-called greatness of the school, she slowly finds out that beneath the grand facade of the academy, there is a never-ending stream of lies and buried secrets. The school’s increasingly manipulative and sinister actions towards her make it a dangerous place to be. Little does she know, her enrollment in the school set the gears in motion to an even greater tragedy.

            Well, that’s interesting, right? (Quote from Art Attack) TRY IT YOURSELF and you will go to another world full of Alices… like me! I guarantee that you will absolutely love it! If I were to have any alice, I want to have Mikan's, which are Nullification and S.E.C. alices. I found it convenient because it has defense and offense attacks and it doesn't use up my life span unlike Natsume's. It's my dream to be an alice and I wish that there is a place called Gakuen Alice.

Prince of Tennis

As I have known, every teen in the Philippines has heard of an ANIME and has his or her own favorite. Well first, what is an anime? Anime is the Japanese abbreviated pronunciation of "animation." In English-speaking countries, anime refers to a style of animation originating in Japan, characterized by colorful graphics and often featuring themes intended for an adult audience.

My favorite anime is called the PRINCE OF TENNIS. The series is primarily set in Tokyo, and centers around Ryoma Echizen, a tennis prodigy who attends Seishun Gakuen or Seigaku for short, a private school famous for its strong tennis club and talented players. Ryoma quickly defeats numerous upperclassmen shortly after entrance to secure himself a spot as one of the team's regulars. In pursuit of their ultimate goal of winning the National Middle School Tennis Championship, members of the team make new friends while learning and mastering increasingly complex techniques. Ryoma also begins to develop his own style of tennis, and eventually realizes what the sport really means to him.

I love this anime because it’s unique and it talks about sports. Although, I admit that it is kind of make believe because its characters’ moves are impossible to copy in real life. Well, what do you expect? It’s an anime. Nothing could go wrong. Anyways, I want this because of the plot too. It talks about real friendship and talents in the game. Umm… it also talks about how to live a life like a prodigy in tennis, or something like that.

Harry Potter

This had been the greatest, most awesome book ever made in the history of mankind! I don’t think anybody doesn’t know about this. J.K. Rowling is the best author there is! Whoa! I absolutely and undoubtedly LOVE IT!!!

Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of a wizard, Harry Potter and his friends Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The main story arc concerns Harry's quest to overcome the Dark wizard Lord Voldemort, whose aims are to become immortal, to conquer the wizarding world, subjugate non-magical people, and destroy all those who stand in his way, especially Harry Potter.

Why do I love it? It’s because I LOVE MAGIC! I sometimes think that somewhere out there, is a magical world full of witches and wizards. Maybe even right behind us! Just kidding…

Anyways, the Harry Potter Series has its own movie series. Cool, right? I mean every book is converted to a movie which is portrayed by the same actors throughout the series. Get it? 

Anyway, the story goes like this…

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Harry Potter, a neglected boy living with his indifferent relatives after the death of his parents, discovers on his tenth birthday that he is a wizard, and a famous one at that. Harry is told that his parents died at the hand of the dark wizard, Lord Voldemort, when Harry was a baby, and that he, Harry, is the only person ever to have survived a killing curse, a curse that left him with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead.
New to the world of wizards, Harry begins his magical education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Aided by Hagrid, the Hogwarts groundskeeper, and his schoolmates Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, Harry will cross paths with Voldemort again, battle a troll, outwit a three headed dog, and discover the true value of friendship.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry is back for his second year at Hogwarts amid mysterious doings involving a hidden chamber somewhere in the castle that is inhabited by a monster intent on killing students who aren't pureblood wizards. With the help of his friends and an old diary, Harry must find the chamber, defeat a surprising enemy, and save the life of Ron's sister. Along the way, he's helped and hindered by Dobby, the house elf, and moaning Myrtle, a morose ghost.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry returns to school for his third year amid rumors that escaped mass murderer Sirius Black is out to kill him. Surrounded by dementors, hooded guards from the wizard prison, Azkaban, Hogwarts has never seemed so bleak. While trying to avoid the chilling effects of the dementors, Harry sets out to discover the truth about the night his parents died. With the help of his defense against the dark arts teacher, Remus Lupin, and his friends, Harry unravels a twisted tale of violence and betrayal, but will he be clever and quick enough to save Sirius from the dementor's kiss? Only time will tell.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
The fourth installment of the Harry Potter series finds Harry excited about the upcoming triwizard tournament being held at Hogwarts. Champions from three of the most famous wizarding schools will compete for a fortune in prize money. Harry is too young to enter, but discovers on the day the champions are selected that his name has been entered anyway, and with the aid of some powerful magic, he's selected to participate. While Harry battles dragons, merpeople and giant spiders in the tournament, he must also discover who has put him in jeopardy and why.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Reeling from the death of his fellow triwizard tournament champion, Cedric Diggory, at the hands of Voldemort, Harry must come to terms with loss and isolation in the fifth installment of the series. We see a darker, more frustrated Harry who is mistrusted by a wizarding community reluctant to accept his word that Voldemort is back.
Harry takes on the role of unofficial defense against dark arts teacher when Dolores Umbridge, a Ministry of Magic appointee to the post of Hogwarts High Inquisitor, forbids the students to use defensive magic. While secretly teaching fellow students spells, Harry must learn occlumency, the ability to shut out the thoughts of others, to protect himself from Voldemort's powerful mind. What is the special weapon Voldemort seeks at the Ministry of Magic? Should Harry block Voldemort's thoughts and emotions or try to use them to discover the secret?

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and Hogwarts headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, must try to uncover Lord Voldemort's past. A prophecy foretells that Harry and Voldemort will confront one another and only one will survive. In this, the sixth installment of the Harry Potter series, Dumbledore takes Harry on a number of journeys to prepare him for the coming confrontation. Their goal is to discover the secret of Voldemort's power over death and find the key to making him mortal and vulnerable.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
On the death of Albus Dumbledore, the Hogwarts headmaster, Harry, Ron and Hermione realize that they must begin their quest to destroy the objects in which Voldemort has secreted his soul. They also discover that there are three mystical objects of power that may help them, the deathly hallows. With time running out, Harry must decide which is more important, following Dumbledore's instructions or seeking power on his own. In the last book of the series, Harry will finally come of age and take his rightful place in the wizarding world, a world he will do anything to protect.

This is the list of characters (from left to right):
-         Harry James Potter
-         Hermione Jean Granger
-         Ronald Bilius Weasley
-         Minerva McGonagall
-         Cornelius Fudge
-         Filius Flitwick
-         Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
-         Rubeus Hagrid
-         Dobby the Elf
-         Luna Lovegood
-         Cho Chang
-         Neville Longbottom
-         Cedric Diggory
-         Arthur Weasley
-         Molly Weasley
-         Ginevra Molly Weasley
-         Fred Weasely
-         George Weasley
-         Percy Weasley
-         Nymphadora Tonks
-         Sirius Black
-         Hedwig
-         Alastor “Mad–Eye” Moody
-         Sybil Trelawney
-         Kingsley Shacklebolt
-         Argus Filch
-         Peter Pettigrew
-         Lucius Malfoy
-         Tom Riddle/ Lord Voldemort
-         Draco Malfoy
-         Severus Snape
-         Dolores Umbridge
-         Vincent Crabbe
-         Gregory Goyle
-         Dean Thomas
-         Seamus Finnigan
-         Bellatrix Lestrange

This are the movie posters: